Medical cannabis, marijuana and CBD oil are eligible medical expenses for reimbursement through a Health Spending Account (HSA), as long as the purchase meets all CRA guidelines.
In order to be reimbursed using your tax-free funds, the purchase must comply with the federal regulations laid out by the CRA, so we’ll need to make sure that the purchase comes from one of these licensed providers of cannabis.
We’ll also need to see the medical marijuana prescriber’s information and a date of expiry for the prescription, which can usually be found on the prescription from an Authorized Medical Practitioner, or a medical document prescribing the medical marijuana. Alternatively, the official receipt from your licensed producer may also include this information.
We recommend including any documentation supporting your claim when submitting your claim online to avoid processing delays.
It's our top priority to help our Members avoid negative tax implications should they be subject to a review or audit - that's the main reason we ask for some kind of documentation.